Equality and Equity! Both are aspirational.
To have equity everything you must be fair and impartial. To be impartial is a difficult mind set for the human mind. As long as an independent mind is able to think, we will agree that there will always be differences in what impartiality can be. The exception is when we are able to get all people to think as one. That’s a wonderful dream, isn’t it?
To have equality all people must have it in opportunity, in rights, in justice, and in status. We are told that we are all born as equals. True, but there is where the equality ends. Afterwards, it is dictated first by your parents, then your teachers and your religious leadership, then by the society that you live in to include the field of work and the politics you live in. What you earn in your moral standings, or even in your wealth, equality can never exist. Your personal aspirations cannot exist in equality. Again, the variations within each individual’s mind will prohibit it. And, again, it can only be attained if all many billions of us can think as one. Another wonderful dream….mmm?
An enigma arises when we try to have both equality and equity.
In the minds of Liberals and Progressives, we all must have equality and equality. Here is where the conundrum begins. For them to co-exist they must be completely compatible with each other. If, when you are being reared by your parents, and by your teachers, and by your appointed mentors, you find that there is conflict in their behavior, or in their actions, and in their teachings, the question becomes, “how can I become impartial?” If we are to have equality, must you renounce all of your achievements so that we can all become one? While the aspiration aspects between the two words strive to create the ‘goodness’ of an equal and equitable society, you cannot totally have one existing with the other. To enforce that, or to put it less harshly, you would have to erase each human mind and reprogram it into what the left and the progressives want it to be. Sounds a lot like an Orwellian society, and what Ayn Rand and other very wise philosophers have been able to foresee as the future of mankind. Ask the people who live under a dictatorship, or a communist government, or a zealot religious realm how much they want to be ruled in such a manner.
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