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COVID-19 is originally identified as CORONOVIRUS INFECTIOUS DISEASE discovered in 2019.

(Preface: I must admit that I am not a formerly educated expert of the virus world, however from 1986 into the early 1990’s I was envolved on a low level with Haunta Virus that plagued the Four Corners Area of the West.

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From 1530 through 1917 there were seven notable Russians Czars. Some were benevolent and some, like Ivan, were malevolent. Some lived to a ripe old age while others were assassinated; Nicholas II and his entire family were wiped out by the Red Army.

Now, the United States Government has its share of czars – 21 of them. To name a few: Drug Czar, TAPR Czar, Energy Czar, Border Czar, Regulatory Czar, Green Czar, Stimulus Czar, and Stimulus Czar.

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Regardless of our religious beliefs, I don’t believe that there are many individuals who do not ponder whether there is a heaven or a hell; for that matter, what exists after we depart the world or the dimension that we live in. This even includes atheists and agnostics, or even people who simply do not care.

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Equality and Equity! Both are aspirational.

To have equity everything you must be fair and impartial. To be impartial is a difficult mind set for the human mind. As long as an independent mind is able to think, we will agree that there will always be differences in what impartiality can be. The exception is when we are able to get all people to think as one. That’s a wonderful dream, isn’t it?

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